Tag Archive | milton

New bakery in Milton – so yummy!


Friday I went to the grand opening celebration for a new bakery in Milton – and I’m now very concerned because everything looked, smelled and – from the samples I had – tasted amazing.

This means I’m going to have a problem when I’m out covering Milton not stopping once the bakery is open full time. Right now, it’s just on weekends on South Front Street.

It’s Mirella’s Fine Cakes and Pastries.

The story is also a great one, with owner Mirella Deleon continuing to pursue her dreams of owning her own bakery for 20 years.

Her family was on board for the opening celebration Friday, as well as those who helped her with her transition to downtown Milton.

Mirella even teased her mom about pushing her to take baking classes when she first got interested in baking and pastries.


I’m hoping Mirella has plenty of success and lots of time to celebrate here in the Valley!



60 years at ACF – see his original work badge

Yesterday, I got to talk with a man who has worked at ACF in Milton FOR 60 YEARS.

Bill Yost certainly wins the company loyalty award in my book. And in a cool bonus, he said he was looking around and found his original badge from the company from when he started in 1953.

Take a look:


I think that’s so cool – a unique piece of history that for many has faded into the background. But for Bill Yost’s family, they’ll forever have this important piece of him with them.

It’s also neat to think that the 19-year-old kid in this photo had no idea that he would be in the same place 60 years later – only a lot more successful and a lot more knowledgeable.

Congrats to Bill! You’ve earned your place in ACF history!

‘Sugar not so sweet’

Yesterday, I attended a presentation about nutrition for kids. But I also learned a lot about what is in the stuff I drink.

And it wasn’t pretty.

Instructor Cynthia Clayton had participants measure out sugars in a variety of drinks to see how that all adds up.

Here’s that demonstration:20130711-085259.jpg

20130711-085313.jpgIt was really shocking. It’s definitely interesting to see how much pure sugar is in your drink.

Here’s some facts about the sugars in our drinks:

  • By cutting out a two soda a day habit, you can lose 31 pounds in one year.
  • Bodies have to work to digest sodas and swweetened drinks, whereas water just hydrates. Therefore, drinking a soda when you’re hot will create more heat as your body works to digest it.
  • Dividing the number of grams of sugar in a drink by four gives you the number of teaspoons of sugar in the drink.

It’s a lot to think about. I know I am definitely looking at my drink choices today.

Gov. Corbett at ACF: Touring a factory with the governor

Yesterday, I got to tour the newly reopened ACF factory during Governor Tom Corbett’s visit. It was a gorgeous day outside for his speech and tour.

Some reporters don’t like the “politician tours a business/factory” stories. Me, I love them.

The tours are an interesting look into a business you might not normally get, while you get to have some interaction with some of the most influential people in the state/nation.

Everyone’s happy to be there and talk to you and get photos, so it’s a win/win for everyone.

So Here’s a pictoral journey through my ACF tour with Corbett with commentary.



Here’s the governor ready to go with his hard hat on. Continue reading

Bonus Photos and Video: Loretta Claiborne at Milton

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to hear an amazing woman speak. It was Loretta Claiborne, a woman who overcame incredible odds to become one of the most famous and decorated Special Olympians and an advocate for others facing challenges.

If you haven’t heard about her story of growing up in the projects of York before being introduced to competitive athletics through the Special Olympics, you’re missing out. She’s a great example of a Pennsylvanian doing good.

Here’s a little bit of her story, put together for the 1996 Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPYs:

She spoke yesterday to elementary students in Milton, and she was incredibly positive. For someone who overcame such incredible odds, she was neither downtrodden nor haughty about her life.

I was truly impressed with her. And now I’m looking for the movie – Netflix here I come!

She also brought a great message about not bullying to the students, which is an important message to tell, especially today in schools.

Here’s some bonus photos from her talk:

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You Might Have Missed It: Wrestling billboard in Milton

I saw this driving to an assignment in Milton:


Note: my photo for whatever reason didn’t want to upload, so this one is from the Milton District’s newsletter. But it was indeed a very similar picture.

It’s a billboard honoring Milton’s two state medal winners, both Ryans.

Not only is the billboard cool, but I got to cover the pep rally welcoming them home from the state tournament.

I have never met such gracious and gnaw winners.

They deserve every accolade they get.

So kudos to them. And drive down Mahoning Street to check it out.

Facebook reaction to gun story

Yesterday, I talked about a tragic case involving two young children in Kentucky.

The case has created a lot of reaction from across the board, including on The Daily Item’s Facebook page. Here’s a taste of that:


The consensus seems to be that poor parental supervision may be to blame in this situation – although I would say it can be so easy to overlook something that other people think is obvious if you’re busy and frazzled, such as when trying to take care of a house and at least two young children.

And only about 5 posts blaming “the media” – that’s a win in my book.

Anyway, you can read more at dailyitem.com, but the company that made the gun isn’t commenting until a full investigation is complete.

What’s your take on situation? Do we need stricter gun laws or was this just a tragic accident?

Child’s accidental shooting puts Milton business in hot seat

In a tragic case that came out Wednesday, a young girl’s death in Kentucky is putting a local business in the hot seat.

Here’s a bit from the Associated Press:

BURKESVILLE, Ky. — In southern Kentucky, where children get their first guns even before they start first grade, Stephanie Sparks paid little attention as her 5-year-old son, Kristian, played with the rifle he was given last year. Then, as she stepped onto the front porch while cleaning the kitchen, “she heard the gun go off,” a coroner said.

In a horrific accident Tuesday that shocked a rural area far removed from the national debate over gun control, the boy had killed his 2-year-old sister, Caroline, with a single shot to the chest with a children’s rifle made by a company in Milton, Pa.

The rifle was manufactured by Keystone Sporting Arms, which sells guns specifically for children — “My first rifle” is the slogan — in colors ranging from plain brown to hot pink to orange to royal blue to multi-color swirls.

Keystone Sporting Arms has a “Kids Corner” on its website with pictures of young boys and girls at shooting ranges and on bird and deer hunts. It says the company produced 60,000 Crickett and Chipmunk rifles for kids in 2008. The smaller rifles are sold with a mount to use at a shooting range.

Keystone also makes guns for adults, but most of its products are geared toward children, including books and bright orange vests and hats.

“The goal of KSA is to instill gun safety in the minds of youth shooters and encourage them to gain the knowledge and respect that hunting and shooting activities require and deserve,” the website said.

The incident has put Keystone in the national spotlight – here’s some links to national coverage of the accident. We’ll have some local coverage on dailyitem.com coming up:

What should all this mean for the gun control debate? Is this just a freak accident or is it time for a drastic change?

Milton art show displays some great student work

The Milton district-wide art show begins tomorrow and the Daily Item got a sneak peek today at the set-up.

There’s tons of different art pieces and mediums represented at the show, which features work from kindergarteners all the way up to some very talented high school students. Some of this art is so good, I would pay for it if it was sold in stores.

The show is free and open to the public. Read more at dailyitem.com.

Here’s some of my top picks:


Masks made by 8th graders. I don’t think I could make something that good and I’m twice their age.

Continue reading

Bonus Photos: Milton wrestlers

Sunday, Milton High School honored its two wrestlers who competed at Hershey in the state tournament.

Ryan Solomon placed first and Ryan Preisch placed third.

The pair rode into the high school on a fire truck, then a small ceremony was held in the school’s auditorium to honor their accomplishment.

Here’s some extra photos:
